Improve Home Row Modifiers

13 votes

I have recently acquired a VIAL adapter from Epomaker. When transitioning from software based solutions like keyd and Kanata I have struggled to achieve the same level of precision my home row modifiers implementation has using the aforementioned tools. The QMK and VIAL communities have attempted to address this with libraries like Achordion. But I think HRMs, being such a widely adopted pattern, should have a first class, out-of-the-box useable implementation. Typing streaks, bilateral combinations and repeat-on-timeout are some of the improvements I believe are missing. In essence, I don't think we should settle with users having to adapt to the current limitations and significantly change their natural way of typing to benefit from HRMs.

Under consideration Suggested by: Leandro Upvoted: 26 Jan Comments: 3

Comments: 3